An Adventurer for the Veins of the Earth

I still haven not learned to focus on ONE project at a time. When a muse of one kind or another kisses me, I allow her to capture my attention and follow her to bed for a quick, feverish bout of creativity. But who can blame me for that? Anyway, I am writing on a […]

A different kind of Flora

A couple of days ago I watched Star Trek:Enterprise „Rogue Planet“ (Season 1 / Episode 18). It featured a planet that had drifted away from its sun and solar system, and now existed in a state of darkness. Life only existed at a few “oases” on the surface where heat from the planet´s core streamed […]

A few Diseases for OSR RPG

For one of the monsters in my Almanac of Blobs I had brewed up four simple fantasy disease (you cannot have an Infectiouse Blob without providing some diseases, too). If you need some simple-yet-fantastic illnesses that are yet treatable by mundane means, feel free to use the following four:

Monster for You: Demonic Blob

It has been a while since my last post, I hope you missed me. Fractured little me had the fingers in more than one pie, which kept me from finishing anything quick. But this will (hopefully!) change in the near future. In the meanwhile, I have a demonic blob for you, a by-product (but not […]