[OSR] D20 Benefits & Banes for Magical Plants

magicalplantsDiving back into the Gardens of Ynn as a read made me think about magical plants again, and their possible benefits and banes. As the days were both slow and boring in the office recently, I have put down 20 ideas for each for benefits and banes of such, aimed at OSR games. Enjoy!

D20# Benefits of Magical/Fairy Plants
01# When burned, the smoke of it will grant a delirious visions of the fate of loved ones.
02# Wearing the fresh flowers/leaves as a wreath provides good luck (one re-roll on all unsuccessful tests and checks) for a day.
03# Smearing the own body with the plant´s juicse makes one invisible and scentless to fairy folk, elves and other magical creatures, but only the own naked body.
04# The sap may be used to dye hair to a bright red. Those who do learn a random 1st level spell that they may use once.
05# When the wind blows through the leaves, one may hear the whispers of loved ones that died not more than a year ago, and may ask them yes-or-no questions. Each question shortens the own life by 1D4 years.
06# Salves made of it and the fat of a cat will have a living being become invisible in the moonlight.
07# A decoction made of it, imbibed every three days at dawn, noon and dusk, will increase Charisma by +1 for the coming day.
08# Singing a song to it will attract local elves or fairy creatures and grant a +2 reaction roll bonus.
09# Walking widdershins around it three times while being alone turns back time by one day.
10# Its sap/juices/fragrance grants a +3 Reaction Bonus to encounters with mortals, but the plugged plants wither at dawn.
11# Chewing its leaves/petals has a character see the invisible for a turn.
12# Eating its fruits has a living being grow or shrink (possibly at random) by half of its original size.
13# Touching/striking a magical creature with the fresh leaves causes an affect akin to the Hold Monster spell.
14# A decoction brewed out of the sap/juices increases the own level for a day for spells and saving throws.
15# Roots/stem of the plant may be used to create an unguent that reverses the effects of the Flesh to Stone spell.
16# A decoction made from the leaves may be fashioned into a coating for arrowheads. Creatures wounded by them suffer from the effects of the Fairy Fire spell for a number of rounds equal to the damage dealt.
17# The roots/heartwood may be worn as an amulet that will provide Protection from X for a 1D6 days.”X” is up to the GM and may be insects, nature spirits, fairy creatures, goblins, etc.
18# Mixing the sap/juices into magic potions doubles their duration.
19# A concoction brewed of the sap/juices may be fashioned into eye drops. A drop into each eye allows to Detect Magic for a turn per drop.
20# When dried and burned, the smoke provides an effect akin to Dispel Magic.

D20# Banes of Magical Plants
01# Its shadow casts a Sleep spell.
02# Mortals brushing it may suffer from the effects of a Confusion spell for 1D6 turns.
03# Hurting/harvesting the plant has a character unnaturally age 1d6 years.
04# Mortals that inhale the scent suffer the effect of a Charm Person towards the next stranger they see.
05# Listening to the wind rustling through the leaves cause an effect equal to the Silence spell for 1D6 hours.
06# Harming/Harvesting the plant gives a -3 Reaction penalty to elves and sentient plants for a week.
07# Consuming parts of the plants will Polymorph a mortal into a goblin.
08# Handling or even brushing the plant will transfer its fragrance onto a character. For 1D3 days (or till vigorous bathing) the character cannot hide from trolls, goblins, elves and fairy due to the scent.
09# Having handled/consumed the plant will have a character spook common animals till the next dawn.
10# Harming/Harvesting the plant will alert and enrage nearby treant, fairy and/or goblins.
11# Consuming any part of the plant in any way leaves a character drunk till 8 hours of sleep have been had.
12# Brushing or handling the plant will leave a character sleepless for 3 days and nights, but not mitigate the ill-effects of it.
13# Handling/brushing the plant turns any character into a magnet for insects till the next dawn.
14# The fragrance of or contact with the plant leeches away strength (1D6+2 temporary attribute damage)
15# Harvesting/harming the plant will have it emit a gruesome scream. Anybody hearing it takes 2D6 temporary Intelligence AND Wisdom damage.
16# Being pricked by the thorns of the plant will cause an effect akin to the Flesh to Stone spell after 1D3 hours.
17# Brushing or handling the plant causes an effect equal to the Fairy Fire spell till the next dusk or dawn.
18# The fragrance/pollen cause blindness for 2D6 hours to every mortal that does not pass a saving throw.
19# If blood is spilled within 30´ of the plant, it will uproot and attack as an ambulatory vampiric plant that attacks with quickly growing tendrils (HD 1-5 depending on the plant´s size, only 20´ movement; AC as unarmored or as plate in regard to trees, up to four attacks, each deals 1D6 damage and restores 1 hit point to the plant on a result of 5 or 6).
20# Harming or harvesting the plant will induce great pain to the character doing so and deal 1D4 magical damage this way.

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